Thursday, January 27, 2011

Today is the first step on a journey

I always like to start off with a quote from someone that sums up where my head is, so it the words of that great philosopher Emo Phillips, "Someday's its not worth the effort to chew through the leather straps".  Thats exactly right!  I know you've felt that way, we all have but in my experience that which is overwhelming at first is satisfying to overcome.  So here is my blog, my journey though academia as a senior citizen will be chronicled.  Hopefully with touches of humor, information and just plain uncommon sense.  God bless us all, each and every one!


  1. Let's hope you give yourself more credit than the photo seems to provide!

  2. This made me smile! Good luck in your endeavors!

  3. I believe you are off to a truely unique start. Let the fun begin!

  4. Unique and a little scary. You are doing great. I'd love to see how your journey unfolds.

  5. That picture is quite scary!! Where did you find such a thing?
