Friday, February 4, 2011

blogs, twitter, lions, tigers and bears. O my!

"Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss."
It is with reluctance that I grudging am being dragged into the present. Like most of my generation we're happy to just keep things the way they were.  Its safe, you know how to do everything, you don't have to learn anything new or else.  You can walk to school through 2 feet of snow uphill, both ways!  You may envy the turtle with his gift of instant invisibility (at least from the turtles point of view), but that gift will not keep you from being run over by a car.  Just cause you refuse to see it doesn't mean it will go away.  Twitter, blogs, wikis, they're all heading toward you at breakneck speed.  Don't look away, don't cover your face with your arms, take the wave and feel the impact.  It may be more fun than you think.

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